Why Fasoracetam is the Next Big Thing in Nootropics and Anxiety

We’ve all had those moments—juggling the pressures of a high-stakes career, feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders, and thinking, “If only there was something to clear this fog in my head.” Enter Fasoracetam. Now, let’s set the record straight: this isn’t some magic pill promising to turn you into a cognitive powerhouse overnight. But it is a nootropic that’s been under the microscope, showing potential in areas like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and, notably, anxiety.

Key Insights on Fasoracetam

  1. Anxiety Relief and Mental Calmness: Fasoracetam is not just another smart drug; it’s a beacon of hope for those battling anxiety. Preliminary findings indicate its potential to alleviate anxiety symptoms, offering users a sense of mental calmness and stability.

  2. Cognitive Enhancement and Nootropic: Emerging from the shadows of other nootropics, Fasoracetam is carving its niche. It’s showing promise in enhancing cognitive functions, making it a sought-after supplement for those aiming for that mental edge.

  3. Brain Function and Mental Alertness: Beyond cognitive enhancement, Fasoracetam is about optimizing your brain’s day-to-day functions. It ensures you’re mentally alert, sharp, and ready to tackle challenges head-on.

  4. Clinical Trials and ADHD: The buzz around Fasoracetam in the realm of clinical trials is hard to ignore. Especially when it comes to ADHD, the initial results are promising. Users report significant improvements in attention spans, focus, and overall cognitive performance.

What is Fasoracetam?

Fasoracetam, commonly known as NFC-1 or LAM-105, is a distinguished member of the racetam family. These compounds are recognized by their shared Pyrrolidone nucleus, a foundational structure that bestows them with cognitive-enhancing capabilities. Unlike its racetam counterparts, Fasoracetam uniquely interacts with our GABA receptors, offering a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. Additionally, it plays a role in modulating acetylcholine and glutamate systems, further diversifying its impact on cognition. As for its legal landscape, while Fasoracetam remains unapproved by the FDA as a prescription drug in the U.S., it’s often labeled as a research compound. It’s essential to familiarize oneself with local regulations before procuring or using this compound.

History of Fasoracetam

In the early 1990s, the trailblazing Japanese pharmaceutical titan, Nippon Shinyaku, ventured into developing Fasoracetam, targeting vascular dementia. Despite investing a staggering $200 million, the drug hit a roadblock in phase 3 clinical trials, faltering due to insufficient efficacy. It seemed Fasoracetam’s journey had reached its end.

However, the tides turned in 2013. NeuroFix, recognizing the drug’s untapped potential, acquired the clinical data from Nippon Shinyaku. This torch was later passed to Aevi Genomic Medicine, which, in 2016, initiated clinical trials focusing on adolescents with ADHD, autism, or anxiety, particularly those with mutations in the glutamate receptor gene. Fasoracetam’s story underscores the relentless pursuit of medical advancement, even in the face of initial setbacks.

How Fasoracetam Works in Your Brain

Before diving deep into the intricate world of Fasoracetam, it’s paramount to understand the three pivotal components that play a starring role in our brain’s theater: Choline, Glutamate, and GABA. These aren’t just fancy terms thrown around in neuroscience circles; they’re the very foundation of our cognitive processes. Fasoracetam, a potent nootropic, interacts uniquely with each of these components, influencing our brain’s performance. To truly grasp Fasoracetam’s impact, we must first break down these essential players. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and delve into the mechanics of our brain’s MVPs and how Fasoracetam masterfully orchestrates their symphony.

  1. Choline: The Brain’s Builder Choline might sound technical, but think of it as the brain’s builder. It’s the starting point for acetylcholine, a key player in our brain’s communication system. Acetylcholine is the guy behind the scenes, ensuring our muscles move when we want and memories get stored in the right place. When you think of swift reactions and sharp memories, thank acetylcholine.

  2. Glutamate: The Brain’s Energizer Meet glutamate: the brain’s energizer. It’s not just any neurotransmitter; it’s the one that keeps your brain in high gear. Glutamate shapes how we learn and remember. It’s like the coach in the locker room, ensuring the team is focused and ready to play. For peak mental performance, glutamate needs to be on point.

  3. GABA: The Brain’s Peacekeeper Enter GABA, the brain’s peacekeeper. While some neurotransmitters are all about action, GABA is about control. It’s the bouncer of the brain, ensuring things don’t get too rowdy. While glutamate pushes for action, GABA ensures there’s no overload. It’s all about balance, and GABA’s got our back.

Fasoracetam’s Mastery Over the Brain’s Symphony

Having laid the groundwork with Choline, Glutamate, and GABA, it’s time to spotlight Fasoracetam’s role in this intricate dance. This nootropic isn’t just another player; it’s a maestro, directing the flow and rhythm of our brain’s neurotransmitters.

Acetylcholine Interaction:
While Choline sets the stage for acetylcholine, Fasoracetam ensures the spotlight shines bright on this neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is pivotal for muscle movement and memory storage, and Fasoracetam amplifies its effects, ensuring our cognitive reflexes are sharp and our memories crystal clear.

The Glutamate-GABA Balance:
Here’s where Fasoracetam truly shines. Glutamate, our brain’s energizer, is always pushing for action, driving us to learn, remember, and react. But unchecked, it can lead to overstimulation. Enter Fasoracetam. It interacts with glutamate in a way that activates our GABA receptors. Now, why is this crucial? GABA is our brain’s peacekeeper, ensuring a balance between action and control. When Fasoracetam stimulates GABA activation through its interaction with glutamate, it brings about a calming effect. This is the essence of its anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties. Instead of letting our brain run wild with overactivity, Fasoracetam ensures there’s a maestro at the helm, guiding each neurotransmitter to play its part harmoniously.

In layman’s terms, think of your brain as a high-powered sports car. Glutamate is the accelerator, pushing the car to its limits. But without brakes (GABA), that speed can be dangerous. Fasoracetam ensures that while the car can race ahead, it can also smoothly come to a stop when needed, giving you both power and control.

In the vast world of nootropics, Fasoracetam stands out not just for its potency but for its unique ability to balance our brain’s key players, ensuring optimal mental performance and well-being.

What are the Benefits of Fasoracetam?

Backed by both scientific studies and a plethora of anecdotal reviews, this compound has garnered attention in the world of nootropics and smart drugs for a range of benefits. Let’s dive into the most notable ones:

1. Anxiety Relief

At the forefront of Fasoracetam’s benefits is its potential to alleviate anxiety. By modulating the GABA and glutamate receptors, Fasoracetam can induce a calming effect, acting as a peacekeeper for the brain. This action on the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system is believed to be responsible for its anti-anxiety effects, offering a potential alternative medicine approach for those seeking relief.

2. ADHD Relief

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a challenging condition, but Fasoracetam offers a glimmer of hope. Clinical trials have shown its potential in improving attention and reducing hyperactivity, making it a topic of interest in the realm of ADHD treatments.

3. Cognitive Enhancement

Fasoracetam’s interaction with acetylcholine and its influence on cognitive functions is noteworthy. Users often report enhanced working memory, increased information processing speed, and improved reasoning skills, making tasks that require mental alertness a breeze.

4. Mood Improvement

Beyond its cognitive effects, Fasoracetam has been anecdotally reported to uplift mood. By influencing neurotransmitter systems, it may help improve mood and alleviate depressive symptoms, offering a potential boost in mental health.

5. Enhanced Memory

Memory deficits can be a concern as we age or face certain health challenges. Fasoracetam’s action on the cholinergic system, particularly its influence on acetylcholine, has been linked to improvements in memory retention and recall.

6. Neuroprotection

Preliminary studies suggest that Fasoracetam might offer neuroprotective benefits, safeguarding the brain from injury and supporting overall brain health.

7. Improved Sleep Patterns

Though not its primary benefit, some users have reported better sleep quality, possibly due to its calming effects on the central nervous system.

While the benefits of Fasoracetam are promising, it’s essential to approach with a balanced perspective. As with all other nootropic drugs and supplements, individual experiences may vary, and it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before diving in.

How Does Fasoracetam Make You Feel?

Navigating the rugged terrain of nootropics, Fasoracetam stands tall, flexing its muscle in the realm of cognitive enhancers. But beyond the clinical, randomized controlled trials and brainy jargon, what’s the real deal? How does it genuinely shift your mental performance? Drawing from both hard-hitting scientific research and raw, unfiltered anecdotal reviews, let’s break down the Fasoracetam experience.

  1. Unleashing Social Dominance: Word on the street is, Fasoracetam’s got your back in the social arena. Users report feeling an unshakable confidence, whether it’s approaching someone they’ve got their eye on or holding their ground in a high-stakes business showdown. This newfound bravado typically kicks in within a week to two weeks of consistent use.

  2. Crushing Anxiety: When it comes to anxiety, Fasoracetam doesn’t mess around. Users frequently highlight its no-nonsense approach to dialing down the nerves. Thanks to its interaction with GABA receptors, it offers a rock-solid sense of calm, turning challenges into mere speed bumps.

  3. Laser-Sharp Focus & ADHD Combat: For those battling attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Fasoracetam is like the secret weapon in their arsenal. Reports flood in about its ability to sharpen focus, ramp up mental alertness, and supercharge cognitive performance.

  4. Duration & The Aftermath: Fasoracetam hits the ground running, with effects often felt within 30 minutes to an hour. It’s not a fleeting high either; its impact typically powers through for 4 to 6 hours. Some users even report a lingering sense of calm and confidence for a week or two post-discontinuation, suggesting this nootropic leaves a mark on the brain’s GABA B receptors.

  5. The Gritty Science: Here’s where Fasoracetam truly flexes its muscle. It’s not just about upping the GABA B receptors; it’s a dual-action beast. While it ramps up these receptors, it simultaneously reins in the overactive metabotropic glutamate receptors, often the culprits in ADHD.

  6. Keeping Expectations in Check: While the benefits sound like the stuff of legends, remember, everyone’s mileage may vary. Factors like dosage, metabolism, and individual brain chemistry play a role. Some might feel its power instantly, while for others, the magic unfolds over time.

In the final analysis, Fasoracetam is a force to be reckoned with in the world of cognitive enhancers. Its prowess in boosting social dominance, combined with its scientifically backed mechanisms, makes it a top-tier choice for those looking to elevate their mental game. And as always, before diving into any supplement, touch base with a healthcare professional.

Clinical Trials Spotlight: Fasoracetam and ADHD

ADHD is a complex condition, but a new player, fasoracetam (NFC-1), might be a game-changer. This drug targets the glutamatergic neurotransmitter system, which is believed to play a role in ADHD.

The Study:

  • Who: 30 male teens (12-17 years old) with specific genetic markers linked to ADHD.

  • What: Started with varied doses, then a placebo week, followed by 4 weeks of adjusted doses based on how the participants responded.


  • CGI Scores: These are tools to measure how much a patient’s condition has improved (CGI-I) and how severe their condition is (CGI-S). In this study, both scores showed significant improvement by the end of the five weeks.

  • Safety: Fasoracetam was found to be safe, with no increase in side effects compared to the placebo.

More Info: Check out the full study details here.

In short, fasoracetam could be a promising treatment for ADHD, especially for those with certain genetic markers. Stay tuned for more updates!

Nootropics and Smart Drugs That Stack Best with fasoracetam?

Fasoracetam is a nootropic that is often stacked with other compounds to enhance cognitive benefits. When considering stacking fasoracetam with other nootropics or smart drugs, it’s essential to understand the potential synergistic effects and any possible interactions. Here are some nootropics and smart drugs that are commonly stacked with fasoracetam:

  1. Phenylpiracetam: Known for its stimulatory effects, phenylpiracetam can complement the mood-enhancing and anxiolytic properties of fasoracetam.

  2. Aniracetam: This nootropic is known for its anxiolytic effects and potential to enhance creativity. When combined with fasoracetam, it may offer a balanced cognitive boost.

  3. Coluracetam: Another member of the racetam family, coluracetam, is believed to enhance choline uptake. Stacking it with fasoracetam might provide a synergistic effect on memory and mood.

  4. Noopept: A peptide-derived nootropic, noopept is known for its neuroprotective properties. It might complement the cognitive-enhancing effects of fasoracetam.

  5. Alpha GPC or CDP-Choline: These choline sources can support the cholinergic system, potentially enhancing the effects of fasoracetam on memory and cognition. When taking racetams like fasoracetam, it’s also smart to take a choline source. Racetams boost acetylcholine activity in the brain, which is key for memory and cognition. However, this can deplete its natural levels. Choline supplementation replenishes acetylcholine, enhancing the benefits of racetams and preventing side effects like headaches. In short, choline ensures you get the most out of your racetam experience.

  6. L-Theanine: An amino acid found in tea, L-theanine has calming effects and can balance out any overstimulation that might occur from the stack.

  7. Bacopa Monnieri: An adaptogenic herb, bacopa is known for its memory-enhancing properties. It might work synergistically with fasoracetam to boost cognitive function.

  8. Rhodiola Rosea: An adaptogen that can help combat fatigue and stress, Rhodiola might complement the mood-enhancing effects of fasoracetam.

  9. Ashwagandha: Another adaptogen, ashwagandha, can help regulate stress and anxiety, potentially enhancing the anxiolytic effects of fasoracetam.

  10. Phenibut: This cognitive enhancer affects the GABA_B receptors. While there’s a theoretical basis for stacking it with fasoracetam, it’s essential to approach this combination with caution due to potential interactions and dependency issues with phenibut. Read more below.

Side Effects and Precautions of Fasoracetam

When diving into the world of nootropics dietary supplements and smart drugs, it’s essential to understand the potential side effects and precautions associated with their use. Fasoracetam, a potent cognitive enhancer, has garnered attention for its potential in improving cognitive function and addressing conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, like all substances, it comes with its set of considerations.

Side Effects of Fasoracetam:

  • Mental Performance Shifts: Some users report changes in mental performance, both positive and negative. While many experience significant improvement in cognitive functions, others might feel a temporary dip before benefits manifest.

  • Blood Pressure Fluctuations: There’s potential for changes in blood pressure, both high and low. Monitoring is crucial, especially for those already on medications or with pre-existing conditions.

  • Central Nervous System Effects: As with many nootropics, fasoracetam acts on the central nervous system. This can lead to feelings of mental alertness but might also cause insomnia in some users.

Precautions with Fasoracetam:

  • Interactions with Other Drugs: Combining fasoracetam with other drugs, especially those that act on the brain, can lead to unpredictable effects. Always consult with a healthcare professional before mixing substances.

  • Dosage: It’s vital to start with a low dose and gradually increase, monitoring for any adverse reactions. Overdosing can exacerbate side effects.

  • Long-Term Use: The long-term effects of fasoracetam are not fully understood. It’s wise to cycle its use and give the brain regular breaks.

A Note on Phenibut and Its Dangers: Phenibut, another substance that impacts the GABA receptors, specifically GABA-B, has been noted for its anxiolytic effects. However, it comes with a risk of addiction and severe withdrawal symptoms. A study highlighted in the International Journal of Intensive Care underscores the potential dangers of phenibut, especially when misused or taken in high doses.

In conclusion, while fasoracetam offers promising cognitive enhancements, it’s crucial to approach its use with caution, understanding its potential side effects and interactions, especially when considering stacking it with other substances like phenibut. Always prioritize safety and informed decision-making.

Dosing Fasoracetam: The Straight Shot

When it comes to dosing Fasoracetam, most individuals typically start with a daily dose ranging between 10 to 40 mg. However, in clinical scenarios, especially for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dosages can ramp up significantly, even reaching the 400 to 800 mg range. But for the average user seeking cognitive enhancement, sticking to the standard range is advisable. Now, let’s break this down further and delve into the nuances of Fasoracetam dosing.

  1. Starting Simple: For those new to the world of Fasoracetam, it’s wise to begin modestly. This not only ensures you’re not overloading your system but also allows you to gauge its cognitive effects and any potential side effects.

  2. The High-Dose Conundrum: While clinical trials targeting ADHD have employed heftier dosages, it’s essential to understand that these dosages are tailored for specific clinical outcomes. For someone merely looking to sharpen their mental alertness or enhance cognition, such high doses might be overkill.

  3. The Cycling Strategy: Consistent use can sometimes lead to diminishing returns. To keep Fasoracetam’s effects potent, consider cycling. A popular regimen is 5 days on, 2 days off, or 3 weeks on followed by a week off. This strategy ensures your brain’s receptors remain responsive and reduces potential health risks.

  4. ADHD and Dosage Dynamics: While higher dosages have been used in ADHD clinical trials, it’s crucial to remember that individual brain chemistry varies. What’s effective for one might not be for another. Always prioritize safety and, if possible, seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

In Conclusion, Navigating the dosing landscape of Fasoracetam, or any cognitive enhancer, requires a mix of informed decision-making and personal observation. Start with a standard dose, adjust based on your experiences, and always keep long-term mental health in mind.

Final Thoughts

In the ever-evolving world of nootropics, Fasoracetam stands out as a titan, offering a unique blend of cognitive enhancement and anxiety relief. For those who’ve treaded the waters of calming supplements with little to no success, this compound might just be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. With its potent interactions in the brain and promising results from clinical trials, Fasoracetam is not just another name in the crowd; it’s a force to be reckoned with. If you’re on the hunt for that mental edge or seeking solace from the grips of anxiety, Fasoracetam is undoubtedly worth a shot. Dive in, and you might just discover the cognitive powerhouse you’ve been missing.

FAQ Section

Q: Are there any preliminary studies on Fasoracetam’s effects on Alzheimer’s disease?

A: While Fasoracetam has been studied for various cognitive impairments, as of now, there aren’t extensive studies directly linking it to the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. However, its potential neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing properties might make it a topic of interest in future research related to Alzheimer’s.

Q: How does Fasoracetam compare to other synthetic compounds in the nootropic category?

A: Fasoracetam is a member of the racetam family, which consists of several synthetic compounds known for their cognitive-enhancing properties. While each racetam has its unique profile, Fasoracetam stands out due to its interactions with GABA and glutamate receptors, offering both cognitive benefits and potential anxiety relief.

Q: Are there any systematic reviews or clinical studies on Fasoracetam’s long-term use?

A: As of now, most of the research on Fasoracetam is preliminary, and comprehensive systematic reviews or long-term clinical studies are limited. It’s essential to approach its use with caution and stay updated with the latest research findings.

Q: How does Fasoracetam affect memory loss in older adults?

A: While Fasoracetam has shown potential in enhancing memory and cognitive functions, specific studies focusing on its effects on memory loss in older adults are still in the early stages. However, its action on neurotransmitter systems suggests it might be beneficial in addressing age-related cognitive decline.

Q: Is there any evidence to suggest Fasoracetam can improve cognition in sleep-deprived individuals?

A: While Fasoracetam is known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, specific studies focusing on its effects on sleep-deprived individuals are limited. However, given its potential to boost mental alertness and cognitive performance, it might offer benefits to those lacking adequate sleep.

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