10 Simple Habits for Losing Weight Naturally

10 simple habits for losing weight naturally in 2023

Are you struggling to lose weight and drop those stubborn pounds but don’t know how? You’re not alone. Today we’ll discuss 10 simple habits for losing weight. Although the internet is filled with weight loss advice, many still need to provide a proper plan of action that leads to long-term success. Even when we understand that eating vegetables and exercising more can help us reach our goals, it doesn’t mean that’s what will happen – after all, who wants Netflix and takeout at the end of an exhausting day instead?!

To break these unhealthy patterns for good and create lasting change in your life, try incorporating a power attitude into your lifestyle today!

Stay calm with the seemingly never-ending tips for achieving long-term health. You don’t need to commit to drinking cayenne lemon water every morning or avoid chocolate and sugar indefinitely;

instead, focus on developing one healthy habit at a time. Ready? Let’s get started!

Stop Dieting

Focus on one habit at a time

Try some new healthy foods.

Stock the fridge

Don’t starve yourself – eat on the reg.

Don’t expect weight loss to be a straight path.

Refrain from obsessing about the scale.

Mindful eating

Prioritise self-care

Practice self-compassion

Stop “Dieting”

We all know that dieting is no easy feat. Our bodies are designed to crave sugar, fat, and salt – so it’s natural for us to struggle with the restrictions of not being able to indulge in those treats we love.

The guilt and shame associated with our diets can sometimes be unbearable, leading to unhealthy eating habits such as binge eating that often result in weight gain.

Rather than depriving yourself of your favorite foods, please keep them in moderation while introducing new and healthier options that taste equally good.

Aim to be energized, alert, and satisfied after a nutritious meal so you can feel great all day long. Over time and with some experimentation regarding healthy eating habits, you’ll naturally want more nutrient-rich dishes.

Most of the time, while still allowing yourself some indulgences every once in a while, this approach will help avoid inconsistent eating and help you lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

Focus on one habit at a time

Much like a new year’s resolution, another factor contributing to why these fad diets don’t work is that we set overly ambitious expectations.

Let’s say you decide to lose weight and go to the gym four times per week.

While this may seem feasible initially, it neglects all the other habits required for success, such as getting enough restful sleep every night and prepping meals ahead of time. Hence, you have energy for your workouts, saying no when necessary to prioritize yourself and finish tasks on time.

All these factors play an essential role in helping you achieve your goals!

The overwhelming feeling associated with committing to going to the gym four times a week can be intimidating. However, if you start slow by just attending one or two days per week, you will have time to find what works best for your routine and make minor adjustments continuously.

This way, keeping up that healthy habit will be easy! In other words, don’t set yourself up to fail. Avoid the disappointment of realizing it’s too much too soon, which usually derails people and makes them stop trying altogether. 

The same goes for food choices; instead of changing your eating, ease into it. Choose one healthy habit at a time, such as:

  • Adding one serving of vegetables to either lunch or dinner.
  • Swapping one can of soda for sparkling water, veggie juice, or tea
  • Going for a five-minute walk before or after one meal each day.
  • Having a fish or vegetarian meal once a week. 
  • Bringing fruit to work every day. 
  • Always eat breakfast
  • Eating protein-rich foods for breakfast most days of the week. 

Try some new healthy foods.

Healthy eating doesn’t necessarily mean eating bland food every day. It’s all about expanding your palate and trying new foods that provide the nutrition for weight loss.

You can try plenty of healthier food choices and snacks, such as fresh fruit, roasted chickpeas, air-popped popcorn with Parmesan cheese, and Greek yogurt with fresh berries.

If you’re looking for something more filling, try veggie-heavy dishes such as stir-fries, soups, and salads.

Some healthy breakfast ideas include oatmeal topped with walnuts and cinnamon or whole wheat toast with avocado slices.

Stock the fridge

An essential part of weight loss is healthy snacks you can grab when hunger strikes. Stock the fridge with nutrient-dense options such as baby carrots, celery sticks, hummus, whole wheat crackers, hard-boiled eggs, and Greek yogurt.

Having these food items on hand will make it easier to reach for something nutritious rather than a quick fix, such as chips or cookies.


Have you ever heard that frozen vegetables can have more nutrients than fresh ones?

Think again! Spinach, peas, green beans, and artichokes are just a few of the array of veggies that come flash-frozen and with enhanced nutrition levels due to their quick harvesting.

You don’t need to worry about days passing in transportation or grocery stores, as these healthy greens preserve their great vitamins immediately!


If you’re looking for a quick and healthy meal, any type of steak or seafood like shrimp, salmon, fish, or chicken can be easily combined with sauces, herbs, and spices to create something delicious with lean protein in less than 20 minutes.

To make the process even more accessible and avoid last-minute trips to the store when it’s time to cook dinner, plan ahead by making a weekly grocery list, so your kitchen is always well-stocked.

Having good food readily available at all times makes your weight loss goals much more achievable without having to worry about meal planning being an arduous task.

Don’t Starve Yourself – Eat on the Reg.

Starving yourself to lose weight may sound like a good idea initially, but there are better or healthier weight loss strategies.

Regular meals with appropriate portions of quality foods help to maintain essential bodily functions and fuel your body and mind to perform daily tasks.

In the long run, eating less can impact overall health and weight loss goals. Under-eating can lead to slowed metabolism, poor performance, reduced energy levels, and later overeating. So if weight loss is your goal, eating regularly is the way.

Don’t expect weight loss to be a straight path.

When it comes to weight loss, there will be highs and lows. Even if you are eating well and exercising regularly, weight loss is not always a linear process, and that’s ok.

There will be days when you feel like all your efforts are paying off, but then there may be other days where it feels like progress has been stalled.

The critical thing to remember is that weight loss takes time, and it’s ok to have days where weight loss isn’t the main focus.

Keeping track of your progress in a weight loss journal helps keep you motivated and provides tangible evidence of all your hard work.

The key is consistency; if you remain consistent with healthy habits, then weight loss will follow!

Refrain from obsessing about the scale.

As the conventional thought of linear weight loss diminishes, redefining your objective is even more critical. Are you looking for higher energy levels?

Improved skin tone and complexion? Or greater self-confidence and strength are what you are after – look deeper into this!

Achieving these goals can be just as rewarding (if not more) than reaching a goal weight.

The truth is, your weight will go up and down no matter how you eat. And if you let the number on the scale decide how you feel that day,

it will probably make you feel bad. Feeling upset often makes people want to eat to make themselves feel better.

Keeping track of your weight or calories makes you eat more when you’re upset.

Think about some new goals that don’t have to do with a number. For example, going to bed earlier, walking in the park more often, or meditating to destress and balance hormones. After all, stress leads to weight gain, so they’re critical goals.

Mindful eating

Eating mindfully is about slowing down, paying attention to what you’re consuming, and savoring each bite.

It doesn’t have to be complicated—it’s a simple yet compelling way to increase your awareness of how much (or how little) food your body needs.

In addition to learning to appreciate the taste and texture of everything on your plate, mindful eating can also be beneficial for weight loss, as it can help you identify when you’re full and avoid overeating.

If you feel like weight loss has been a struggle in the past, taking an extra few moments to enjoy and appreciate the food you consume each day makes all the difference!

Prioritise Self Care 

Weight loss can be very daunting, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount needed for it to occur.

That’s why prioritizing self-care is so important when trying to lose weight.

It’s a reminder that even though weight loss often appears overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.

Taking time out each day to look after yourself – mentally and physically – is an excellent way of breaking weight loss down into manageable chunks.

Making sure that you treat yourself loving and support during weight loss helps increase motivation, boost self-esteem, and set you up with the right mindset for successful weight loss.

Practice self-compassion

Losing weight can be a difficult journey, and you owe it to yourself to practice self-compassion. When the task at hand is difficult, it can be really tough to stay motivated.

Self-compassion pushes us towards our weight loss goals by allowing us to give ourselves grace instead of beating ourselves up over every little thing that doesn’t quite go right.

It’s much easier to get up and take on the challenge of weight loss again when we are gentler with ourselves.

So take it easy on yourself—you’ll thank yourself for it later!


Losing weight doesn’t have to mean deprivation or grueling workouts. Developing weight loss habits that fit your lifestyle and tastes can be empowering, enjoyable experience! Sustainable weight loss means creating a new way of life that can do wonders for your physical and mental health.

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